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Hi, I'm Meredith

After living in San Francisco, New York City and San Diego, I had come to a place in my life where knew I needed to make some big decisions if I wanted to be happy and fulfilled. I was debating going back to graduate school, but after a lot of contemplating, I eventually decided to use my savings to start a farm.

In 2013, I started Autonomy Farms. It was a leap of faith to say the least – I had never spent a day farming before. But I had an obsession with food and my background was in sales and marketing in the hospitality/event planning industry, so I was confident that I could create something.

I’ve failed a lot along the way, but I’m also really proud of what the farm has accomplished. I hope my stories give you some insight if you are looking to start a farm. Or, if you’re a customer that they give you some fulfillment in what you are supporting.
Farmer Meredith with LGD